You ask me all those questions that make my stomach grab the inside of my body in a vain attempt to scape from panicking...
I look at you trying to configure a new code of relating to establish boundaries I don't believe exist.
More I feel your skin, more I urge for us to become one, and this irrationality shakes all conventionalities around...
I can no longer hold on to what I've learned so far.
Everything is so new as if I never lived before.
All that was, is irrelevant and even funny to look at...
A mockery for a past and you as a present.
I don't know how can I ever be so grateful as to deserve such happiness...
So I let all fall down to prove my misery's right...
Fuck that shit and I jump high to see you from above and slap your face every time you try to re create failures...
Looking through lenses of desires I see you perfect.
Talking to my hand today, I figured the puzzle we draw to maintain away any sign of nostalgia. I love you from every angle but my aim is poor.
I practice focus to keep your presence and your charming smile at sight.
I need to practice us to know all the lines that form what we are by heart.
In memorizing our shapes being becomes organic and all the sounds make sense.
We don't need to repeat words to put up the show.
The spectacle is our silence, staring out the window, not having to know...
Let the curtain rise!
43 caracteres seus, 7 palavras suas.
9 years ago
1 comment:
sounds like love to me...
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